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3D Animation Cinema Program

The flagship program of the MoPA animation school to learn and master all stages of producing a 3D animation film.

Producing a 3D Animation Film - MoPA School

The goal of our school is to train professionals in 3D animation film, equipped with a true artistic vision and an understanding of the challenges involved in film production.

Immediately ready for the workforce upon graduation, our 3D animation film program offers students career advancement opportunities leading to positions of responsibility.

MoPA offers a 3D animation program at the intersection of art, cinema, and technology, providing a rich and diverse background. The project-based pedagogy, emphasizing teamwork, exposes students to numerous opportunities for producing short films and experimenting with film production.

After a year in the preparatory class, the 5-year degree program is divided into 2 cycles:

  • The first cycle lasts 3 years and focuses on acquiring all the fundamentals.
  • The second cycle lasts 2 years and focuses on refinement and professionalization, with a selection of career options.

The MoPA school is authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research to award the accredited Expert Diploma in 3D Design, Production, and Animation (Master’s level).

Diplôme d’Expert en conception réalisation et animation 3D visé par le Ministre de l’enseignement supérieur (BAC+5, RNCP Niveau 7) par arrêté du 18/12/2023

I access the educational regulations of the accredited diploma in the 3D Animation Cinema program at MoPA.

Study Plan for the 3D Animation Cinema program at MoPA


Acquisition of artistic fundamentals and the production process of an animation film.

Cycle 1: Fundamentals of animation film production - MoPA School

In general, the subjects are organized around four main areas:

  • Artistic area: Develop the ability to observe, understand shapes, enhance skills, accurately reproduce, and cultivate one’s own visual language.
  • Cinematographic area: Explore the concepts of perspective, framing, shooting, and editing. Address narration from the perspectives of writing, direction, and cinematic language.
  • Technical area: Be able to use technical tools to successfully complete projects.
  • Animation cinema area: Explore movement, rhythm, and acting to bring the characters we create to life and make them believable.

Year 1

The first year imparts the artistic fundamentals related to future needs in 3D animation.

  • Understanding shapes and volumes, anatomy, the use of colour in scenery and landscapes, image composition,...
  • Introduction to narrative and animation principles: design and production of a short film, 2D/stop-motion short film as a team
  • Develop the technical skills associated with project implementation

Subject areas taught

  • Drawing, Visual arts
  • Modelling
  • Character design
  • History of the arts
  • Film analysis
  • Storyline
  • Storyboard
  • Photography / Video
  • Sound design
  • 2D Animation
  • Acting
  • Technical classes on the Adobe suite
  • English

Year 2

The second year allows students to deepen their artistic fundamentals related to future needs in 3D animation and to get hands-on experience with the first 3D tools.

  • Further the study of light, anatomy, volume sculpting,...
  • Design and produce a short 3D animated film as part of a team
  • Acquire technical skills in 3D animation

Subject areas taught

  • Drawing
  • Concept art
  • Modelling
  • Character design
  • History of the arts
  • Storyline
  • Storyboard
  • Sound design
  • Technical classes on 3DS Max, Vray, Nuke, Substance, ZBrush
  • Anatomical drawing
  • English

Year 3

The third year leads students to master the complete process of producing a 3D animation short film.

  • Clay and 3D sculpting
  • Design and produce a very short 3D film as part of a team
  • Design and produce a short 3D film individually
  • Acquire technical skills in 3D animation

Subject areas taught

  • Modelling
  • Character design
  • Storyline
  • Storyboard
  • Sound design
  • Substance
  • ZBrush
  • Maya
  • Vray
  • Nuke

Cycle 2

Further training in 3D animation and professional development

Cycle 2: Refinement in 3D Animation Film - MoPA School

With their knowledge of the process of animated film production gained during cycle 1, students in cycle 2 choose a specialisation allowing them to further their specific skills:

  • Careers in animation
  • Careers in imaging

During project production in teams and the distribution of roles within the team, each person will develop an expertise in a preferred field. Experience working in a team also helps the development of interpersonal skills that are essential for successful integration into a company.

Year 4

The fourth year focuses on technical refinement in 3D animation and the professionalization of our students.

Part of the program is a core curriculum for students in both options, while another part is specific to each option.

The fourth year of our 3D animation film program includes a combination of technical workshops and projects.

Image Specialisation

  • Technical modules: Concept Art and Character Design, Substance Designer, Grooming (Yeti), Clothing Simulation (Cloth), Advanced 3D Visual Development (Arnold), Houdini

3D Animation Specialisation

  • Intensive exercises exploring different animation situations: Rigging, posing, bipedal and quadrupedal body mechanics, facial animation and emotional expressions, lip syncing, acting and body language.

Teaching objectives

  • Explore the areas of design and the technical chain through an exercise on a given theme: Zbrush, Maya, Rigging, Substance, Marvelous, Arnold and Nuke
  • Integrate computer-generated images into real images: Live action technique / Photogrammetry / Tracking / Compositing
  • Produce a short 30 second film as part of a team
  • Pre-production of the final year film as part of a team
  • Pilot and manage a project with Shotgrid

Year 5

The fifth year focuses the teaching on the project. Students in our 3D animation film program prepare for professional integration by producing a graduation short film of about 5 minutes in teams and studio mode. Teams of 4 to 6 students, formed during the previous year, finalize pre-production and carry out the production and post-production of their film.

They are supported by industry professionals who oversee the production and assist them both in design and technical aspects.
The MoPA 3D animation school has developed a partnership with students from the MAAAV, a master’s program in « Applied Music to Visual Arts, » for the creation of original music.

The graduation jury in Arles: the talents of tomorrow

The final year short animated film, produced in real studio conditions, is the high point of the program. Bringing together all the knowledge acquired during the 5 years of study, this film is the showcase of the students’ artistic and technical know-how and the passport to the most prestigious studios.

After a year dedicated to the collaborative production of this short film, students present their works before an international jury of professionals during a defense. That evening, they, along with family and friends, are invited to a public screening of the animation films at the ancient theater in Arles, where 2,000 people gather to share the magic of images in this historic venue. Subsequently, the animation films will be showcased at the world’s leading international festivals.

3D animation program: MoPA school in Arles

Objectives, prerequisites, and procedures of the program

Teaching objectives

  • Design a strong narrative experience
  • Direct a 3D animated film and supervise its production
  • Develop your expertise by creating new proposals (narrative, artistic and technical) to respond to real production situations


Hold a level IV diploma or Baccalauréat and possess strong artistic and graphic prerequisites. Additionally, the entrance exam evaluations will assess the candidate’s creative and artistic level. An individual interview will be conducted to allow the candidate to discuss and explain their motivations and professional project.

Teaching methods used

  • Development and deepening of narrative artistic concepts
  • Experimentation and production of still and animated 3D images
  • Analysis and research
  • Placement in a professional setting
  • Project management for animation film production

Evaluation and assessment method

Individual oral and written, continuous monitoring, and evaluation during project phases.

Evaluation and assessment method

The MoPA school is authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research to award the accredited Expert Diploma in 3D Design, Production, and Animation (Master’s level).

The awarding of the accredited Expert Diploma in 3D Design, Production, and Animation (equivalent to Master’s level, RNCP Level 7) is contingent upon the validation of all skill units.

Expert diploma in 3D design, production, and animation accredited by the Minister of Higher Education (Master’s level, RNCP 39557 Level 7) by decree of 18/12/2023

I access the educational regulations of the accredited diploma in the 3D Animation Cinema program at MoPA.

A verified set of skills acquired over 5 years.

No pathway/no transfer


Dedicated learning spaces for different learning situations are available to students on the school campus. However, the student must have a personal computer, with a webcam and an internet connection at home.

Access and duration of studies

  • Application to be submitted 6 months before the start of each academic year (September)
  • Total duration: 5 years (+/- 4,000 hours)

Operational objectives / specific skills

  • Design the story of a 3D animation film
  • Develop an artistic proposal for a 3D film
  • Manage the production of a 3D film
  • Research and develop solutions for 3D film making

Operational objectives / skills targeted by certification

  • Implement advanced and specialized uses of digital tools
  • Mobilize and produce highly specialized knowledge
  • Implement specialized communication for knowledge transfer
  • Contribute to transformation in a professional context

Results indicator(s)

Success rate for the certification: 100%
Success rate for the certification (2023): 100%
Overall employment rate after 12 months (all jobs): 89%
Integration rate of graduates into the target profession: 80%

Next intake:
September 2025

Arles MoPA campus accessibility Our campus is accessible for people with disabilities. If you are wondering whether you can join our programs, please contact us so that we can make suitable arrangements:

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