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Editor / Calibrator

Film calibrators or video editors restore a film’s colorimetric and sensitomeric calibration by working on all the animated scenes and balancing the shots within a scene.

Main goals

Their job is to turn what the director and director of photography envision into a reality in terms of colorimetry and light density to give the 3D animated film linearity and ensure all the shots looks the same. Calibrators have a number of tasks:
  • Achieve consistency in image density and colour balance
  • Creatively deal with several other parameters of the film’s final appearance
  • Prepare post-production processing

Required qualifications

Becoming a calibrator or video editor requires specific skills:
  • Observation
  • Aesthetic and artistic sensibilities
  • Ability to work on a team
  • Discipline

Other jobs in the post-production of an animated film :

Meet with us

Would you like to learn more about our 3D and stop motion animation school?
Come meet us at our upcoming events.


la brochure
