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Creation of a 3D Superhero

Compulsory for 3rd year students of the MoPA school, the “Superhero” exercise aims at reproducing a 3D superhero in 3D from the Marvel, DC Comics, etc. universes.

The goal of this exercise for MoPA 3D animation school students is to choose a superhero, model it, rig it and pose it, all in a fairly realistic style. One of the objectives is to work on the athletic structure of the characters. From sculpting to rigging, the character has to be designed and created from start to finish in order to be used for animation. This 3D animation exercise is an opportunity to use all the skills acquired since the beginning of their 3D animation training at MoPA. They worked on 3D modelling and animation software such as 3dsMax, Arnold, Nuke or Adobe suite.

L'histoire de MoPA

Wolvy by Neil Delory

Neil souhaitait réaliser une production 2D/3D pour cet exercice en mettant en avant le côté comics de Wolverine.
"J'ai fait un mélange du Wolverine des films réels mais aussi de celui des comics pour la concordance des couleurs par exemple."

> Find more of Neil's creations on his Artstation profile .

L'histoire de MoPA

Moonknight by Gabryel Aury

This student from our MoPA 3D animation school wasn't initially the biggest fan of superheroes, but having an appreciation for Egyptian aesthetics and mythology, he was won over by this character.

Moonknight is linked to an Egyptian god, Khonshu, who has a “mummified” appearance with hieroglyphic writing.

What Gabryel liked is that until recently, there weren’t many references or productions about this superhero, only old comics drawings.

It was only very recently with the “Moonknight” series on @Disneyplusfr, as well as the “Making of” that allowed the student to better understand the character’s design on a professional scale, and therefore have a clearer path to follow with regard to his own project.

"This is one of the projects I'm most proud of, I managed to do everything I wanted to do on this character, with no compromises, and all in a limited amount of time."

L'histoire de MoPA

Mystique by Camille Gournay

Camille chose Mystique because she wanted to sculpt a female body. She didn't want to create a very muscular superhero but rather the body of a "femme fatale with graceful curves".
Generally, she likes the character Mystique for her ambiguity and the fact that she’s sometimes difficult to figure out, sometimes a superhero, sometimes a villain in some comics.
"I had a lot of fun making different poses to highlight both her seductive side and her martial arts skills."

Find more of our animation student's productions on her Instagram page.


Création d'un super héros en 3D Création d'un super héros en 3D Création d'un super héros en 3D

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