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What is the hiring rate after graduating from the MoPA animation school's “Expert in 3D design, production and animation” program?

The 3D animation industry is booming! Today, 35% of our students are directly hired by foreign animation studios on graduating from MoPA, and 90% of our students find a job within 6 months of completing their studies in 3D animation.

Quels sont les débouchés proposés par l'école de cinéma d'animation 3D MoPA?

L’animation 3D est née en France, il y a un peu plus de 30 ans. Depuis, les tâches se sont spécialisées et de nombreux nouveaux métiers dans le cinéma d'animation sont apparus, ainsi qu’un jargon propre à ce domaine. Voici quelques-uns de ces métiers :

- Les métiers du film d'animation en pré-production : Réalisateur - Scénariste - Storyboarder - Layout Artist - Directeur Artistique - Character Designer - Concept Artist
- Les métiers du film d'animation en production : Modeleur - Rigger - Animateur - Lighter - Directeur Technique - Gestionnaire de Production
- Les métiers du film d'animation en post-production : Artiste Effets Spéciaux - Matte Painter - Compositeur - Monteur / Étalonneur - Sound Designer

Is it possible to work in the video game industry with a diploma in 3D design, production and animation from the MoPA animation school?

Yes, the expert diploma in 3D design, production and animation from the MoPA animation film school enables you to work in the field of video games. However, you'll be working on the visual aspects of video games: game art, game cinematics, and less on gameplay or game design.

What's the average salary after graduating from MoPA, the animation film school?

A few months after graduating from the MoPA 3D animation school, 90% of our students have already found their first job. Studios generally offer young graduates salaries of between €25 and €35,000 gross per year.

Salary progression will depend on your experience and the animation studios you join.

What careers in 3D animation are available with a specialisation in ‘image’?

There are many image-related professions in 3D animation, whether in pre-production, production or post-production.

After specialising in ‘image’, you could become a storyboarder, character designer, lighting artist, environment artist or matte painter. To find out more, take a look at our dedicated careers pages.

It's worth noting that MoPA's 3D animation course offers generalist training, and your option will not determine the rest of your career! So even if you take an ‘image’ option, you will still have access to the animation professions.

What careers in animation are available with a specialisation in ‘animation’?

Animation is an integral part of 3D cinema, and many different professions are required throughout the process of creating a 3D animated film.

After specialising in animation, you can become a rigger, 3D animator, layout artist, facial animator or animation supervisor. On the careers pages of our website, you can discover even more animation-related careers.

It's important to bear in mind that MoPA's 3D animation cinema pathway enables you to master the entire production chain of a 3D film. Even if you have chosen the ‘animation’ option, you will still be able to work in the image industry.

Meet with us

Would you like to learn more about our 3D and stop motion animation school?
Come meet us at our upcoming events.


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